Support and maintenance of all types of hardware, software and electronic and computer equipment
Production, supply and operation of all kinds of hardware, software and electronic and computer equipment used in all kinds of administrative, commercial, service, manufacturing, financial and banking activities.
Providing the best comprehensive solutions, the best equipment and the highest quality level of service to all customers
The Vice President of Business, in order to maintain the existing customers of the organization during the meetings and negotiations, succeeded in obtaining the satisfaction and as a result of extending the contract with the following banks:
1- Saderat Bank of Iran: extension of the support contract for computer devices along with wiring
2- Sadaret Bank of Iran: extension of ATM support contract
3- Parsian Bank: renewal of the service contract and maintenance and repair of CCTV systems
4- Parsian Bank: Renewal of the service maintenance and repair contract for all computer devices and project peripherals with parts supply in all Parsian Bank units.
5- Sepeh Bank: renewal of Sigma ATM service and maintenance contract
6- New Economy Bank: Extension of computer equipment support and service contract
7- Post Bank: support for instant card issuing machine
8- Future Bank: Maintenance of Future Bank: maintenance and support of computer hardware and software of computers and peripheral equipment
9- Resalat Bank: hardware support including installation, setup, replacement of hardware equipment and peripheral equipment.
Currently, in all contracts, 240,000 devices and 9,000 active location codes are supported by the company.