More than a quarter of continuous activities, Kharazmi Information Technology Development Company has turned into a company with one of the best support networks in the country, which currently supports more than 6000 bank branches with the cooperation of more than 500 members of its family. and is responsible for the headquarters of 11 banks and several government organizations of the country.
We are proud that, based on the ranking of SAJAT in 1402, by winning the first 9 ranks among 15 specialized categories, you are the second public company in the country in the field of information technology. Since 1401, with the help of God and the use of powerful forces, Kharazmi Company has been able to step on the path of growth and excellence
Achieving a strategic and decisive position in exploiting and creating added value on the data of banking industries and other emerging and strategic industries of the country and region
The company's strategy to realize this vision is to produce and provide services and technological solutions to transform data into information goods with high commercial value.
Transferring strategic sources of income from the business of hardware and network support to the business of supplying and providing knowledge-based data services (such as advanced analytics services, dashboards required by top and middle management of banks and large organizations), monitoring of Round and provide intelligent business processes as a service
Specializing and equipping and monitoring its subsidiary companies to supply and provide hardware and communication support services needed by its current customers.