Kharazmi missions in the new export season



The first panel on the fourth day of the future banking booth was held on the sidelines of the 26th Elcomp exhibition with the presence of Ali Chaharlangi, CEO of Kharazmi Information Technology Development Company, Mars, Vice President of Business Development of Kharazmi Company, and Davoudi, CEO of Gostaran Network Company, Kharazmi.

According to the electronic banking news site, in this panel Ali Chaharlangi said: Khwarazmi Information Technology Development Company since 1376 with the subject of production, supply and operation of all kinds of hardware, software and electronic and computer equipment used in all kinds of administrative, commercial, and service activities. manufacturing, financial and banking was established and its main focus is on providing the best comprehensive solutions, the best equipment and the highest quality level of service to all customers.

Stating that this company has 2,000 bank branches across the country, he said: This support includes all banking equipment, including passive and active systems, etc.

Chaharlangi stated that the support umbrella of this company includes 7,000 bank branches and reminded: The company's collection of 200,000 devices in 135 models is supported and these numbers show the activities of this company.

The CEO of Khwarazmi Information Technology Development Company, referring to the need for banks to apply modern financial and monetary technologies, said: Our observations indicate that banks do not want to reduce their branches, even though a 200-30 percent reduction has occurred in this field. have given. He stated that the reason for this is the desire of customers to be present in banks and reminded: many customers are willing to be present in branches, especially in the field of obtaining facilities.

Referring to the plans on the agenda of this company, Chaharlangi explained: What happened in the field of IT was less attention to technology transfer and we entered into negotiations with several companies in this field to support, repair and maintain equipment. Several banks are put together, some of them agreed. Emphasizing the need to replace banking systems due to wear and tear, he said: using new services and new software and Internet of Things is one of the future plans of this company.

In this panel, Mars, the vice president of business development of Kharazmi company, mentioned the support of banking activities as one of the goals of this company and reminded: support of the branches of Parsian, Aindeh, Ekhtet Novin, Resalat, Sina and Karahan branches in the country. The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of our services, and we currently have support from Parsian, Aindeh, New Economy and Sina banks.

Referring to the company's support of 250,000 devices in the country's banks, he pointed out: The banks covered by this company have various activities, therefore, the issue of keeping customers is one of our approaches in providing services. According to him, the sales volume of this company has increased in 1402 compared to 1401.

Also, Davodi, the CEO of Khawarzmi Network Company, referring to the structure of Khawarzmi Company, stated: This company has two subsidiary companies, "Khwarazmi Hardware Developers" and "Khwarazmi Network Gostaran", and the whole operation of repairs, infrastructures of passive equipment and Active, the data center is implemented in these two companies and they use computer equipment in their business networks.

از ۵
13 مشارکت کننده

News detail

حسین طاهباز توکلی با سمت: رئیس هیئت مدیره به نمایندگی از شرکت سرمایه گذاریگروه مالی سپهر صادرات (سهامی عام)
تحصیلات: دکترای کامپیوتر 1394/06/24
سابقه کاری: مشاور دبیر کل، نهاد کتابخانه های عمومی کشور، عضو هیئت مدیره شرکت داده پردازی ایران، مدیر عامل و عضو هیئت مدیره شرکت گسترش انفورماتیک، رئیس هیئت مدیره شرکت افرانت، عضو هیئت عامل شرکت خدمات ماشین های محاسب، عضو هیئت مدیره خدمات بورس شرکت خدمات بورس

محمد حسین خروطی با سمت: نائب رئیس هیئت مدیره به نمایندگی از شرکت سرمایه‌گذاری آرمان توسعه مبین مهر سپهر (سهامی خاص)
تحصیلات: دانشجوی دکتری مدیریت بازرگانی (در مرحله دفاع) _ گرایش سیاست گذاری بازرگانی
تاریخ عضویت در هیئت مدیره: 
سابقه کاری: 
رئیس هیئت مدیره و معاون توسعه مدیریت شرکت خدمات هوشمند نسل چابک (تا کنون)، عضو هیئت مدیره شرکت خدمات همراه آیسان لوتوس (تا کنون)، مشاور مدیرعامل داده ورزی سداد (بانک ملی) 1402، مشاور مدیرعامل به پرداخت ملت (بانک ملت) 1400، مدیر بازرسی شرکت توسعه دیدار ایرانیان (بانک دی) 1399، مدیر منطقه کیش شرکت ایساکو کیش (ایران خودرو) 1391 و ...

علی چهارلنگی با سمت: عضو هیئت مدیره و مدیر عامل به نمایندگی از شرکت فناوری راه حل های هوشمند سپهر(سهامی خاص)
تحصیلات: دکترای مدیریت عالی راهبردی کسب و کار
تاریخ عضویت در هیئت مدیره: 1401/06/06
سابقه کاری:
رئیس هیات مدیره شرکت رایانه خدمات امید، مدیرعامل شرکت فن آوران اطلاعات انصار، رئیس هیأت مدیره شرکت توسعه فن آوری و تجارت حکمت، معاون فناوری اطلاعات بانک حکمت، معاون فناوری اطلاعات بانک سرمایه، معاون فناوری اطلاعات بانک تجارت، رییس هیأت مدیره شرکت کارت اعتباری ایران کیش، مدیرعامل شرکت دیدگاهان سیستم ​​​​​​​

سید صابر امامی با سمت: عضو هیئت مدیره به نمایندگی از شرکت کارت ایران (سهامی خاص)
تحصیلات: دانشجوی دکترای کار آفرینی گرایش بین الملل (در مرحله دفاع از رساله)
تاریخ عضویت در هیئت مدیره: 1401/06/06
سابقه کاری: مدیر عامل و نائب رئیس هیئت مدیره هلدینگ سرمایه گذاری فناوری عصر امین کار آفرین (1400)، مدیر عامل و نائب رئیس هیئت مدیره هلدینگ گسترش الکترونیک مبین ایران (1399)، مشاور
رئیس سازمان نظام صنفی رایانه ای استان تهران (1399)، رئیس کمیسیون خدمات محتوایی و ارزش افزوده نظام صنفی رایانه ای استان تهران (1397)، نائب رئیس کمیسیون فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات اتاق مشترک بازرگانی ایران و عراق (1397) و ...

Hossein Tahbaz Tavakoli with the position: Chairman of the Board of Directors on behalf of Sepehr Saderat Financial Group Investment Company (public shares)
Education: PhD in Computer Science 06/24/2014
Work Experience: Advisor to the Secretary General, Public Libraries Institution, Member of the Board of Directors of Iran Data Processing Company, Managing Director and
Member of the Board of Directors of the Informatics Development Company, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Efront Company, Member of the Board of Directors of the Computing Machine Services Company, Member of the Board of Directors of Services Stock exchange service company

Mohammad Ali Bakshizadeh with the position: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors on behalf of Mehr Kharazmi Arman Development Company (private equity)
Education: computer engineering, hardware major, Islamic Azad University, master's degree in information technology management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, doctorate in business management, Shahid Beheshti University
Date of joining the board of directors: 05/24/1401
​​​​​​​Work Experience: Deputy Director of Saderat Bank Information Technology Holding (SAD) 01/10/2019 (continued), Director of the Neo Bank Saderat Project 07/01/1400 (continued), Secretary of the Technical and Investment Committee of Saderat Holding, Member of the Board of Directors Sepehr Bank Saderat Smart Solutions Company, a member of the High Information Technology Committee of Bank D 1401/09/01 (continues) and...​​​​​​​

Ali Chaharlangi with the position: Member of the Board of Directors and Managing Director on behalf of Sepehr Smart Solutions Technology Company (Special Shares)
Education: Doctorate in high strategic business management
Date of joining the board of directors: 06/06/1401
Work Experience: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Omid Services Computer Company, CEO of Ansar Technology and Technology Development Company, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hikmat Technology and Tejarat Development Company, Vice President of Information Technology of Hikmat Bank, Vice President of Information Technology of Capital Bank, Vice President of Information Technology of Tejarat Bank, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Iran Kish Credit Card Company, CEO of Visionan System Company

Seyed Saber Emami with the position: Member of the Board of Directors on behalf of Iran Card Company (Private Shares)
Education: Ph.D. student of international entrepreneurship (in the thesis defense phase)
Date of joining the board of directors: 06/06/1401
Work Experience: Managing Director and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Asr Amin Kar Afarin Technology Investment
Holding (1399), Managing Director and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mobein Electronics Holding of Iran (2019), Advisor to the Chairman of the Computer Trade Union Organization of Tehran Province (2019). , the head of content services and added value commission of the computer trade union system of Tehran province (2017), the deputy head of the information and communication technology commission of Iran-Iraq joint chamber of commerce (2017) and...​​​​​​​

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